Rideshare bicycles, known as Xiao Huang Che (little yellow bicycle), can be seen everywhere in China. When first created, they heralded the advent of China's fourth consumption era and the advent of sharing society. But now they lay discarded, damaged and unmanaged—like the city where I lived in China. For a while, the government caught stray dogs throughout the city. They caught the dogs and killed them instead of collective rescue. Like Xiao Huang Che, the labor cost and time consumption of transporting these bicycles to the repair shop are greater than that of reproducing new ones. Killing a dog is faster than saving one.
 So, I wanted to play music for them, and give these bicycles their own language. The sound comes from themselves. They ushered in the juxtaposition of the fourth consumption era and sounded the death knell of the third. These insignificant things gather together. I modified the abandoned ones to make sounds, and they told their own stories: change your way of being. So, is it inconspicuous that their lives have produced value in the process of evolution and modification? Or does life have value as long as it exists? There is a balanced circular movement between the value of survival itself and the value of evolution. It may lead to more harmonious evolution.
 I installed motors to Xiao Huang Che and let them make their own sound. Then I piled them together to make a connection with the performer.
 This is the response to the common reality of my existence, and the substitution of the anthropomorphic emotion of the little yellow bicycle. They are the products of this social era. In the process of making them, I gradually personified them. At the same time, I was designing murals at a mental hospital. A patient prayed for a long time every day and walked forward and backward. And I painted murals there and calculated the price based on its size. I was stunned, which was no less than the shock to me when I first saw On Kawara’s work. I felt time clearly for the first time.
 One day I saw patients of the mental hospital on their way to hang clothes and find Xiao Huang Che. The wind blew white sheets and clothes. The doctor chased them. They stared at the bike.
「鐘」by Swimming

・ 2019.6
・ Hangzhou : : because of ideology, they was kicked out by an art museum
・ 2020.8
・ Hangzhou : : OCAT 「2020: Twenty Years towards A World Theatre」
・ Performer /A Dai /alerte_raptor/LourencoShirley /Oster/Meng Wang/Yajiang Dong/ swimming
・ Installation  /Jiarui Xu /JIN/ swimming
・ Director / swimming
・ Photo by /Guyu Liu/ swimming /Oster/Yue Xia
・ retouch /swimming